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What Cleaning Vinegar Is and How to Use It

What is cleaning vinegar?

The Spruce / Jason Donnelly

Cleaning vinegar is a stronger concentration of distilled white vinegar that produces better cleaning results around the house. Learn how to use this natural cleaner the right way to clean bathrooms, flooring, and kitchens.

What Is Cleaning Vinegar?

Cleaning vinegar is made through a process where alcohols are distilled from grain and allowed to ferment as microorganisms process the alcohol into acetic acid and water or vinegar.

Cleaning vinegar contains around six percent acetic acid. The acid is what cuts through soap scum, grease, and grime, and removes mineral deposits in coffee makers. The product is not approved for consumption because of impurities and the level of acidity.

What is cleaning vinegar?

The Spruce / Jason Donnelly

Cleaning Vinegar vs Distilled White Vinegar

The only difference between cleaning vinegar and distilled white vinegar is the level of acidity and refinement that makes distilled white vinegar suitable for consumption.

The distilled white vinegar you see in the condiment aisle contains around 5% acetic acid and 95% water while cleaning vinegar contains around 6% acetic acid. That doesn't sound like much of a difference, but cleaning vinegar is much stronger than white distilled vinegar to produce better results when tackling cleaning chores.

Why Use Cleaning Vinegar?

Cleaning vinegar is less toxic to the environment and less expensive than many commercial cleaning products. It is highly effective at removing odors and whitening whites in laundry, cutting through tough grime like soap scum, and unclogging sink drains.

Use cleaning vinegar to make your own cleaning products by diluting it with water or adding some dishwashing liquid to clean nearly every surface around your home. If you find the assertive odor of cleaning vinegar unpleasant, add some essential oils or herbs to make scented vinegar for cleaning.

How to Use Cleaning Vinegar for Laundry

  • Remove tough odors like mildew, urine, cooking odors, and sweat from washable clothes with cleaning vinegar. For a large load of clothes, add 1/2 cup to the final rinse cycle. Adjust the amount if you are doing a small load of laundry.
  • Whiten 100 percent cotton items like dishcloths and dingy socks. The acid in cleaning vinegar helps remove ground-in soil and brighten the fabrics. In a large pot, bring a gallon of water to a boil and then remove it from the heat. Add 1/2 cup of cleaning vinegar, 2 tablespoons of heavy-duty laundry detergent, and the white socks, underwear, or towels. Let the items soak overnight and then rinse well.

How to Clean with Cleaning Vinegar

  • To remove soap scum from ceramic tile, clean porcelain surfaces (tubs and toilets), and dirt from painted woodwork, fill a spray bottle with one part cleaning vinegar, one part dishwashing liquid, and two parts water. Spray onto dirty surfaces and allow the solution to sit for five minutes to begin cutting through the grime and then scrub with a nylon-bristled brush or wipe away with a microfiber cloth.


When working with cleaning vinegar, wear rubber gloves. The strong acetic acid can irritate the skin and nails.

  • To unclog slow-running drains, pour at least one quart of boiling water down the drain. In a medium bowl, combine one cup of hot water, one cup of baking soda, and one cup of cleaning vinegar. Pour the vinegar mixture down the drain and let it work for at least 10 minutes. Finish by flushing the drain with another quart of boiling water.
  • For cleaning windows and glass, make a DIY window cleaner of equal parts cleaning vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

When Not to Use Cleaning Vinegar

Never use cleaning vinegar or any type of acidic cleaner to clean marble, granite, limestone, or any natural stone countertop or floor. It's also not a great choice to clean cast iron pans or grills as it can pit the metal.

While you shouldn't use undiluted cleaning vinegar to clean aluminum, you can dilute it with three parts water to one part vinegar to remove tarnish from aluminum.

Do not clean knives with cleaning vinegar. It can cause pitting on the thin stainless steel edges. If used at full strength, it can even pit stainless steel appliances. It also should not be used on finished or waxed wood surfaces. It can remove the finish.

Finally, never use cleaning vinegar, even in a diluted form, on electronic screens like televisions and laptops. The acid can damage the anti-glare properties.

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  1.  PubChem Compound Summary for CID 176, Acetic Acid. National Center for Biotechnology Information.

  2. Advice about Vinegar. PennState Extension.

  3. Feldstein S, Afshar M, Krakowski AC. Chemical Burn from Vinegar Following an Internet-based Protocol for Self-removal of NeviJ Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2015;8(6):50